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The Martian
Andy Weir
Married With Zombies
Jesse Petersen
The Elven Nations Trilogy
Douglas Niles, Tonya C. Cook, Paul B. Thompson
The Hero Chronicles: A Complete Collection
Christine E. Schulze

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir - Felicia Day I really enjoyed this. I was a bit worried after some of the celebrity memoirs that I have read, that it would be a trying too hard to be funny and name dropping book. So I was incredibly happy when that was not the case.
I chose to listen to the audiobook and I'm glad I did. It was genuinely funny and surprisingly real. She didn't shy away from any of the tough issues that she has dealt with in her life.
Definitely one I would recommend.